Product Categories >> High Fastness Disp Dyes

High fastness DISP RED SP-B 200%

Suitable for HT dyeing process and Thermosol dyeing process of PES.Also suitable for dyeing microfibres.Instead of some disperse red with bad thermal migration.Bright color,excellent combinability and high reproducibility.high dye-uptake.


Appearance Mahogany even powder or granular
Shade Trace-rare
Strength,% 100±3
Dispersity ≥A/3


Pattern o.w.f Type Dyeing Properties Fastness PH Range
High temp Therm
Printing Yarn Dyeing Light Sublim
0.5% S 5-6 4-5 5 4-9
1.0% S 5-6 4-5 4-5 4-9
2.0% S 5-6 4 4-5 4-9

◎-Very suitable          ○-Suitable           △-less suitable

Package and storage: packed in 25kg,40kg and 50kg Iron drums lined with plastic bag.Be stored in cool,dry and ventilated place for one year.


1.The above data is based on 100% PES,sublimation(180º)and soaping (60º).

2.this description is only for your reference,please make some small-scale tests to confirm your correct process before the description is used.This company will never be responsible for any possible dispute and responsibility to be caused by it.If you have any question,please contact us.

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